We welcome you to be part of our community
Become a proud member of Hay River & Area Métis Local #51, where you will be connected with the local Métis community. Also, by availing of the membership, you will be eligible for various economic and social development opportunities.
How we work
Membership application -> Get a call from us -> Upload all the required information -> Evaluation and membership processing

Apply for Membership
Membership By-Laws
1. Local 51 shall have the following classes of Membership;
ACTIVE MEMBERS – Voting Rights
Mètis who;
Such persons who self-identify as Métis distinct from other Aboriginal peoples who, being of historic Métis ancestry connected with the Hay River and other communities in the North-Western Territory and Rupert’s Land, the traditional territory of the Métis as verified by the Board:
Mètis who;
Such persons who self-identify as Métis distinct from other Aboriginal peoples who, being of historic Métis ancestry connected with the Hay River and other communities in the North-Western Territory and Rupert’s Land, the traditional territory of the Métis as verified by the Board:
are residents in the Hay River area and have resided in the community a minimum of 3 (three) months.
are not registered with any other Métis Local or organization.
are not registered “Indians” under the Indian Act, (R.S.C.,1985, c.1-5)
Such persons as Local 51 wishes to honour who are accepted as Honourary Members by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Board of Directors
Such persons as Local 51 wishes to honour who are accepted as Honourary Members by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Board of Directors
Such persons who meet the requirements of paragraph (a)(i) and (ii) who are non-registered “Indians”, or registered “Indians” under amendments pursuant to the Indian Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. 1-5) proclaimed since 1984, and Inuit, who are living off reserve or settlement lands in Canada and whose ancestry, through an application process, is verified by the Board of Directors.
Such persons who meet the requirements of paragraph (a)(i) and (ii) who are non-registered “Indians”, or registered “Indians” under amendments pursuant to the Indian Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. 1-5) proclaimed since 1984, and Inuit, who are living off reserve or settlement lands in Canada and whose ancestry, through an application process, is verified by the Board of Directors.
- With the exception of Honourary Members eligibility for Membership will be determined by the Board of Directors upon receipt of an application for Membership in the prescribed form.
- Once an applicant has been accepted for membership the Board of Directors shall provide that person with a membership card specifying the class of membership.
- There shall be no membership fees for the members of Local 51
- No Member of Local 51 shall, in his/her individual capacity be liable for any debts or liabilities of Local 51
- All Members of Local 51 shall have the right to take part in all Local 51 activities and to use all the facilities established by Local 51 for the promotion of its objects, subject to such fees as the Board of Directors may from time to time prescribe for specific activities
- Any Member wishing to withdraw his/her membership may do so upon giving notice in writing to the Local 51.
- Any Member may be expelled by the Board of Directors for proven dishonesty or gross misconduct or failure to comply with the Constitution and By-Laws of Local 51.
- Any person eligible for membership can become a Member of Local 51 providing that he/she does not belong to another Local or Métis organization.
Frequently asked questions:
On our website, fill up the form with all the required details, and we will get back to you with the further process.
It depends on the process and availability of the services, but generally, the membership process is conducted within 10 working days.
By becoming a proud member of Hay River & Area Métis Local #51, you will be introduced to the community to be more friendly with our culture, history, and tradition. Our members also get beneficial components for economic development within the community.